
What people may not realize about posture is that posture is the window to the spine, meaning that much of your posture is controlled by your spinal alignment. 

A high shoulder or a high hip or a head forward posture or even a stooped, rounded posture is very often due to poor alignment.  

Similar to a car that is out of alignment, increased wear and tear occurs on the joints and even abnormal and uneven wear on the tires occurs; as it does with your body, your joints and your spine. 

When your posture and thus your spine is out of alignment it causes abnormal and increased wear and degeneration of spinal discs and especially weight bearing joints. Elevation Health is determined to analyse your posture and spinal alignment because it can also affect the nerves coming out of the spine.  

The brain sends electrical impulses down your spinal cord and out of openings between the vertebrae, and these nerves and nerve signals go to every part of your body, controlling the function and pain levels you experience.  

Chiropractic care is designed to correct those misalignments of the spine called subluxations. Subluxations can occur from physical, emotional or chemical stress. 

Here at Elevation Health, we use advanced postural and digital x-ray analysis to first be certain of the cause of your problem, and then use state of the art adjusting and a spinal remodeling program to correct those causes without drugs or invasive surgery.

Whether you are here in Windsor/Tecumseh or anywhere else in Essex County, dysfunction in your musculoskeletal system does not discriminate. Anyone can benefit from the healing attributes of chiropractic care in order to provide relief from any form of discomfort that one undergoes when they have a misaligned spine, back, or neck. 

Schedule an appointment today at Elevation Health if you are serious about potentially feeling great, and functioning better, getting back to doing the things that you enjoy, and elevating your health.