A Brief Discussion About Several Types Of Posture

In everyday life, posture is significant. Having a good posture can boost your energy levels, ease neck stress, ease migraines, prevent back and shoulder problems, and support chronic back symptoms that are currently present. Poor or misaligned posture is frequent, and bad postures can cause pain and discomfort. Sometimes you need treatment for that pain. If you are experiencing pain or want to correct your poor posture, choose chiropractic treatment from Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada.

The spine’s location is crucial for proper posture, and the spine’s curves should be maintained, not accentuated, through good posture. Nantais Family Chiropractic can help you improve your spinal alignment to maintain good posture.

There are several types of posture. We will learn about them in the following discussion:-

  1. Healthy Posture
  2. Kyphosis Posture
  3. Flat Back Posture
  4. Swayback Posture (Lordosis)
  5. Forward Head Posture

Healthy Posture:

Your body should remain aligned if your posture is good. You stand with good posture when your shoulders, hips, and ankles are lined up over your ears, shoulders over your hips, and hips over your ankles. Two flat feet on the floor, a tight core, straight shoulders, and an even weight distribution on both hips are all characteristics of good sitting posture. Your hips and spine may not be properly aligned if you sit cross-legged. To prevent further issues, keep up your standing and sitting posture exercises or contact Dr Brian Nantais for chiropractic adjustments.

Kyphosis Posture:

A common ailment known as kyphosis causes your upper back to curve forward. Kyphosis has an excess curve of more than 50 degrees compared to natural curves, which have a curvature of between 20 to 50 degrees. Your back will hunch, giving the impression that you are slouching. It can occur at any age, although it is most frequently observed in older women whose spines have been weakened by osteoporosis to the point that they have cracked and compressed. Contact Dr Brian Nantais for chiropractic care to correct your poor posture.

Flat Back Posture:

The spine naturally curves, shaped like an “S” with two curves. The lowest curve of the spine is lost, and the spine becomes flat when you have flatback syndrome. The spine becomes unbalanced as a result, and the person starts to lean forward. If you have a flat back, you could struggle to stand up straight or experience ongoing back or leg pain.

Swayback Posture (Lordosis):

Everyone’s spine naturally curves in a way known as lordosis. Hyperlordosis or swayback can result when your posture accentuates this spinal curve. The spine’s lower back and neck region curve inward when this disease is present. It typically impairs your ability to move and causes back pain and discomfort.

Forward Head Posture:

The neck and head are in a forward position in this posture, with the head extending past the shoulders. The condition known as “tech neck,” brought on by spending the entire day hunched over our phones and laptops, is more prevalent today. Your neck, shoulders, and back might be tense, stiff, or painful. Your shoulders and back will slouch if your head is forward because the body follows the head wherever it goes.


Are you worried about your bad postures? Come to Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada, for effective chiropractic care.