If your posture is causing pain, get Chiropractic Care from Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada and ease the pain. Contact us today for help.

Posture is significant in our overall well-being, yet it is often overlooked daily. Poor posture has become a common concern due to the prevalence of sedentary lifestyles and prolonged hours spent sitting or hunching over electronic devices. Beyond aesthetics, maintaining good posture is essential for optimal musculoskeletal health. Poor posture can cause pain and discomfort to the extent that you may need treatment to ease the pain. If you are facing such a situation and want a safe and effective treatment, choose Chiropractic Care from Elevation Health, Canada. Our expert chiropractor, Dr Brian Nantais, provides effective chiropractic adjustments to ease the pain and fix poor posture. Contact Nantais Family Chiropractic to get the best Chiro care. This blog will explore the impact of poor posture and its connection to pain and discomfort.

  1. The Basics of Posture
  2. The Link Between Poor Posture and Pain
  3. Effects of Poor Posture on the Spine
  4. Impact on Muscles and Joints
  5. Poor Posture and Breathing

The Basics of Posture:

A person’s alignment and stance while standing, sitting, or moving is called their posture. In order to reduce stress on the muscles, joints, and ligaments, good posture entails maintaining a balanced and upright position. Conversely, poor posture occurs when the body is misaligned, increasing stress on various structures. 

The Link Between Poor Posture and Pain:

Poor posture can contribute to pain and discomfort in several ways. When the body is in an incorrect alignment, it can strain certain muscles, ligaments, and joints excessively. Over time, this strain can cause muscle imbalances, joint dysfunction, and even nerve compression, resulting in pain. Common areas affected by poor posture include the neck, shoulders, back, and hips. If you want to correct your poor posture or ease the pain, contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic, Canada.

Effects of Poor Posture on the Spine:

One of the primary areas affected by poor posture is the spine. Slouching, rounded shoulders, or excessive spine curvature can disrupt its natural alignment. Kyphosis (hunchback), lordosis (extreme inward curvature of the lower back), and scoliosis (sideways curvature of the spine) are just a few of the diseases it can cause. These spinal anomalies can increase the chance of developing degenerative disorders, decrease mobility, and cause persistent discomfort.

Impact on Muscles and Joints:

Due to the added strain caused by poor posture, certain muscles and joints become imbalanced and dysfunctional. For instance, slouching forward can strain the muscles in the neck and upper back, causing stiffness, tension, and headaches. The muscles in the upper back might become weak from prolonged sitting, which can result in persistent pain and a restricted range of motion. Need help to correct your bad postures? Contact Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada, today.

Poor Posture and Breathing:

Posture also affects the respiratory system. Slumped posture can compress the chest cavity, limiting lung expansion and reducing breathing efficiency. It can result in shallow breathing, decreased oxygen intake, and reduced energy levels. Over time, inadequate oxygenation of tissues can impact overall health and well-being.

Closing Words

More than just a cosmetic issue, poor posture can negatively affect your musculoskeletal health and cause pain and discomfort. You can take proactive steps by understanding the link between poor posture and these issues. If you want to get Chiropractic Care, please reach out to Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health, Canada. Our chiropractors can help you to live a healthy and pain-free life.

If you want any Chiropractic Care in Canada, contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.

Indeed, slouching or bad posture can result in chronic pain throughout the body. Chiropractic Treatment can effectively fix slouching. But for this, you must take chiro care from any Best Chiropractor Near Me, like Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.

Let’s look at the ways to get rid of slouching:-

  1. The strain on the neck and shoulders
  2. Back pain and spinal misalignment
  3. Increased pressure on the intervertebral discs
  4. Impaired circulation and digestion
  5. Muscular imbalances and weakness
  6. Increased risk of injury 

Neck and shoulder strain:

Slouching frequently entails thrusting the head forward, which puts an undue amount of tension on the neck and shoulders. Muscle imbalances, stiffness, and pain can result from this forward head posture in these locations.

Avoidance advice: Align your head with your shoulders, whether sitting or standing. Consider pushing your head higher and lengthening your neck. Conduct regular neck stretches and strengthening exercises to keep your neck in the right alignment. 

Back pain and spinal misalignment:

Slouching rounds the spine’s natural curve, which leads to unequal vertebral compression and back pain. Chronic back pain and even spinal misalignment may develop as a result of this over time. Now Best Chiropractor Near Me can offer you the best tips to avoid such problems.

If you also want a Chiropractor In Canada, contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.

Avoidance advice: Maintain the natural curves of your spine by sitting up straight with your back against the chair. To give sufficient back support, use ergonomic chairs or lumbar supports. Take part in core-strengthening activities to support good posture. 

Increased pressure on the intervertebral discs:

Slouching can result in increased pressure on the intervertebral discs, the cushion-like structures that are located between the spinal vertebrae. Chronic pain may develop from nerve impingement, disc herniation, and disc degeneration brought on by this pressure.

Avoidance Advice: Make sure your chair and desk are adjusted appropriately and practise good ergonomics while sitting. Take regular breaks to stand up, stroll, or stretch to reduce pressure on the intervertebral discs. 

Impaired circulation and digestion:

Slouching constricts the chest cavity, which limits the lungs’ ability to expand and lowers the amount of oxygen reaching the body. Additionally, it might compress the digestive system, causing discomfort and poor digestion.

Avoidance advice: Stand or sit up straight to allow for complete lung expansion and improve circulation. Regularly take deep breaths to improve oxygen flow. Don’t cross your legs while sitting, as this can prevent healthy blood flow. 

Muscular imbalances and weakness: 

Weakness and muscular imbalances can occur from persistent slouching, with certain muscles being overextended and weak while others become tight and shortened. Chronic pain, poor stability, and limited movement can all be brought on by this imbalance.

Avoidance advice: To build your postural muscles, and strengthen your back, core, and glutes. Regular stretching will keep your muscles flexible and avoid muscle tightness. 

Increased risk of injury:

Slouching affects your body’s stability and alignment naturally, which increases your risk of getting hurt while exercising. It impairs the body’s capacity to transmit stresses evenly, which increases the risk of sprains, strains, and other musculoskeletal ailments.

Avoidance advice: Maintain proper posture while engaging in sedentary and physical activities. To reduce the chance of injury, build up your muscles, increase your flexibility, and do your exercises with good form and technique. 

Final Words

You can dramatically lower your chance of developing chronic discomfort from slouching by being aware of your posture and deliberately maintaining appropriate alignment. You can take help from any Chiropractor like Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health.

To correct your posture in Canada, contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health for top-notch services.

Breathing and posture are intimately related. Your posture influences your respiratory mechanics, and the quality of your breathing can also impact your posture. Poor posture can cause difficulties with your breathing. You need to connect with any reputed chiropractor like Dr Brian Nantais to correct your posture.

If you want a reputed chiro to treat posture issues in Canada, contact  Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health. He is an expert doctor who can offer you the best possible affordable services.

Let’s focus on the discussion of how posture impacts our breathing procedure:-

  1. Alignment
  2. Diaphragmatic Breathing
  3. Release of Tension
  4. Oxygen Intake
  5. Physical activity
  6. Sleep Quality
  7. Chronic discomfort
  8. Postural Habits
  9. Mental Health 


For effective breathing, the spine and pelvis must properly align. Your chest cavity constricts when you are slouched or slumped over, reducing the room for your lungs to expand. This may result in shallow breathing, decreased oxygen intake, and increased neck and shoulder stress. 

Diaphragmatic Breathing:

The diaphragm muscle, which is situated between the chest and the abdomen, is contracted during diaphragmatic breathing. The lungs’ capacity to expand and suck air in is controlled by this muscle. Proper posture ensures that the diaphragm can function effectively and that air may readily enter and exit the lungs. 

Release of Tension:

Maintaining good posture also aids in relaxing the chest, shoulders, and neck. Breathing deeply can be difficult when these areas are constrained or constrictive, which can heighten feelings of tension and worry. You can release tension and breathe more easily by correcting your posture.

If you have poor posture issues, contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic to fix your posture issues. Contact Elevation Health for his expert consultation. He has adequate experience and capabilities to offer you the best services. 

Oxygen Intake:

Your posture might impact how much oxygen you breathe in. The oxygen your lungs can absorb is lowered when you slouch or hunch over, which can cause weariness, dizziness, and other symptoms. Your lungs can expand fully with good posture, which allows for the best possible oxygen absorption. 

Physical activity:

Maintaining good posture is essential while exercising. When exercising, whether running, lifting weights, or doing yoga, good posture makes breathing easier for you to breathe deeply and effectively. 

Sleep Quality:

Proper breathing and posture can also help us sleep better. Our ability to breathe deeply and the location of our diaphragm depend on how we are positioned when lying down to sleep. We can enhance our breathing mechanics and encourage better night sleep by maintaining proper posture during the day. 

Chronic discomfort:

Neck, shoulder, and back discomfort that persists over time might be brought on by poor posture. In addition to limiting our capacity to exercise and engage in physical activity, this pain can make breathing difficult. 

Postural Habits:

Finally, being conscious of your postural habits throughout the day is critical. Most people spend much time slumped over a phone or computer, leading to bad posture and shallow breathing. 

Mental Health: 

Breathing patterns might impact our mental and emotional well-being. We frequently breathe quickly and shallowly when upset, anxious, or depressed. We can lessen stress and anxiety by concentrating on slow, deep breathing and maintaining excellent posture. 

Closing Words

The relationship between breathing and posture is intricate and crucial for our physical and emotional well-being. We may enhance our breathing mechanics, lessen stress and pain, and foster a sense of peace and relaxation by keeping proper posture and concentrating on deep, diaphragmatic breathing. Contact Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic at Elevation Health for top-notch services in Canada to correct your posture.

Still not sure how to treat your poor posture issues? Simply head to the Nantais Family Chiropractic care today! That way you can connect with Dr Brian Nantais.

In the earlier days, a lot of people came up with various kinds of worrying signs. In fact, most of them frequently complained of issues such as stiff neck, muscle cramps, frequent episodes of headaches and migraines. Yet another pretty relevant facet which is often overlooked is the fact that having a somewhat poor posture can impact your lifestyle in a lot of ways. In this regard, the best possible way for you is to connect with someone like Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic care, based in Canada.

Once you rely on someone like Dr Brian Nantais, your world will be changed for the better. Ideally, Dr Brian Nantais is not someone who will offer you any kind of meaningless or baseless advice. Therefore, the sooner you look up to him for his valuable insight, the better position you are bound to be in.

Let us now try to study the subject in a meaningful manner and let’s see how possible reasons emerge:

  1. One of the most important points is to opt for the right clinic
  2. Why is it a vital cog to have a word with a stalwart?
  3. At the end of the day be aware of your limitations
  4. What could be the basic problems due to poor posture?

One of the most important points is to opt for the right clinic:

In certain scenarios, you are required to be absolute street-smart or else you could really falter in the long run. As far as the larger scheme of things is concerned, you will have to put your heart and soul into it. If you cannot quite opt for the right Chiropractic Care clinic, you might have to face a lot of issues in the long run.

Why is it a vital cog to have a word with a stalwart?

Needless to say that you can never depend on a novice Chiro. Eventually, it all comes down to you as far as making a decision is concerned. Practically and on a realistic note, no one will ever say that you must depend on a novice Chiro. If you really do that, it will be nothing short of a hastily made decision. The ideal and the safest possible option is always to have a word with a stalwart.

At the end of the day be aware of your limitations:

Dr Brian Nantais of the Nantais Family Chiropractic care is pretty particular about certain aspects. He has this firm advice to make. He goes on to assert that you always have the freedom to choose any sort of stuff especially when it is a matter of your health. But, then, at the same time, also be aware of your limitations.

What could be the basic problems due to poor posture?

There are several complications of poor posture. The most important ones are like – constant back pain, rounded shoulders, spinal dysfunction and most importantly a potbelly. Dr Brian Nantais suggests that visit the Elevation Health clinic and sort this out as soon as possible.


If you are looking to tackle your poor posture issues, visit the Elevation Health clinic, based in Canada.

Dr Brian Nantais of Elevation Health in Canada discusses the detrimental effects of poor posture on your health. Improve your posture with chiropractic care.

Dr Brian Nantais of Elevation Health in Canada discusses the detrimental effects of poor posture on your health. Improve your posture with chiropractic care.

The introduction:

Most of us rarely sit with our back straight. Even though we are reminded of the benefits of a good posture every now and then, do we really follow them always? The answer is, no. Knowingly or unknowingly, we face a lot of problems due to this. The Nantais family chiropractic experts of Elevation Health in Canada say that having a poor posture can disrupt our sleep and affect our digestive system. What’s more, it causes a lot of pain in the parts of our body where we don’t maintain good posture. For example, neck pain can become common for you if you are working with a forward head for long hours. That’s why, the expert chiropractor, Dr Brian Nantais suggests that you must seek chiropractic care for improving your posture. If you don’t get proper treatment or exercises, your bad posture can harm you later in life.

The ill effects of your bad posture:

Dr Brian Nantais, along with this team of Nantais family chiropractic professionals advise their patients to maintain a good posture. This helps them to prevent the following health issues.

  1. Improper blood circulation
  2. Lack of depth while breathing
  3. Compression of the digestive organs
  4. Chances of arthritis

Improper blood circulation:

The chiropractic experts at Elevation Health in Canada have found out that in many patients, poor posture has restricted proper blood flow. Sitting on a chair for hours together with no movement is one of the causes. If your body does not have the proper circulation of blood, your organs will suffer. All types of nutrients flow through blood to reach these organs. So, it can also result in your organs not receiving proper nutrients. It can also result in varicose veins.

Lack of depth while breathing:

The Nantais family chiropractic experts say that your lungs don’t work at their full capacity if you don’t maintain a good posture. If you are hunching forwards or leaning in, your lung function gets impaired. As an effect, your body may not get sufficient oxygen. Your vital organs, like your heart, brain, etc, don’t get the oxygen they need to function at their best.

Compression of the digestive organs:

Not maintaining a proper posture no matter what you are doing is also a serious hindrance in your digestive system. Your digestive organs in your abdomen along with your digestive tract can’t function properly. As a result, you are not able to digest food on time. This also hampers your entire daily routine. That’s why you should seek chiropractic care. An expert chiropractor like Dr Brian Nantais in Canada will improve your posture. This will help you get rid of these other complications too.

Chances of arthritis:

As per the Nantais family chiropractic team, a bad posture causes a misalignment of the spine. This again causes stress on the knees. If you suffer from arthritis, it can cause you a lot of pain. This is also one of the reasons Elevation Health suggests you to seek chiropractic care for arthritis.


Dr Brian Nantais of Elevation Health in Canada is an expert chiropractor. He offers the best care for people suffering from posture problems. So, improve your posture, and your overall health by seeking chiropractic care.

There are many types of posture issues that you may suffer from. However, here we will discuss the most common types of posture problems. Let’s discuss this with Dr Brian Nantais.

In today’s world, there are people who suffer from different types of posture issues. We will discuss with Dr Brian Nantais, a famous and experienced chiropractor. At Elevation Health, people can get treatment for various types of posture problems.

Here experienced chiropractors can cure your posture issues very well and get back to normal life. However, we will get to know the three common types of postures.


According to Dr Brian Nantais, Kyphosis is a very common disease when it comes to posture issues. This is a common health condition where people may face a lot of problems in daily life.

However, this is a posture issue that mainly results in the person having a forward rounding of the upper back area. Along with this, when it comes to comparing with the natural curve of the back, Kyphosis has a curve that is excess from the normal one.

However, in most cases of Kyphosis problems, the person having this posture issue might have a curve in the upper back that is greater than 50 degrees. Along with this, Kyphosis sometimes causes the person to have a hunch back and thus to make you face other issues.

Nantais Family Chiropractic specialist also says that this posture issue can sometime lead to having other health issues. While having this posture issue, many times the person develop other problems like slouching.

This issue is seen in old people more than young people. After the spinal bones get weaker than before, this issue may occur in patients.

Flat Back:

Many times the person may have a spine that has a natural curve, yet there is a chance to get this posture issue. Generally, in this posture issue, the patient may have two curves together that form an S like back shape.

However, whether the person has this issue or some other back problems, there is a chance to develop a flat back. At Nantais Family Chiropractic centre, patients having a flat back syndrome can have issues that may cause them to suffer from an acute spinal disease.

Along with this, in these posture problems, the patient may have a chance to lose the lower curve is normal. Additionally, he can develop a flat back and thus it makes him face troubles in the daily life activities.

Many times people face issues while balancing because this flatback can cause them to become imbalanced very often. The people who have a flat back sometimes face issues while standing up standing along with having leg pain. Along with this, it can develop due to the disc issues too.

Forward Neck or Head:

In this posture issue, the person may face problems while using various tech gadgets. However, this issue may cause for using the gadgets for long in a constant body position. At Nantais Family Chiropractic, the forward neck patients who visit here are mostly suffering from tech neck issue.

Therefore, the chiropractors try to perform the therapies in order to correct their tech neck postures.

At Elevation Health, many people from different parts of Canada visit the clinic in order to get their chiropractic treatment for the purpose of fixing the posture issues that they have been suffering from a long time and relentlessly to look for a way to get rid of from the daily troubles. Contact us to know more.

A poor posture can cause you many troubles in daily life. One can’t deny that a poor posture can affect your health. Let’s get insights from Dr Brian Nantais.

A poor posture can cause you many troubles in daily life. One can’t deny that a poor posture can affect your health. Let’s get insights from Dr Brian Nantais.

Having a poor posture can be the cause that you face many troubles in your daily life. However, you will never deny the fact that how your poor posture can affect your health. Dr Brian Nantais will share his insights.

At Elevation Health, you will get help with your poor posture issues. Here the chiropractors can help to correct your wrong postures and improve your health.

All you need to know:

In your body, the spine is the central part of your body balance. However, many times the person may face issues in the spine. Along with this, for some injuries, the spine can lose its correct position.

Additionally, there are many other body parts that can face the same situation. These body parts may meet sudden injuries, or there could be other factors.

Therefore, whether be it for health issues or injuries, there can be poor posture problems. Along with this, many people may have wrong postures and have been born with this problem since birth. As a result, there can be a number of issues when it comes to maintaining good health.

Your spine carries the body weight and holds the major parts of the nervous system. Therefore, many times if you sit in an incorrect position, it will affect your health. However, Nantais Family Chiropractic experts believe that there is always a way to fix your wrong postures.

What is a poor posture:

Many times we see that a person is living with a sort of the wrong posture. However, he might carry this from his birth.

Along with this, there might be some injuries or health issues that caused poor postures to him. When it comes to talking about having a wrong posture, at first, we can see poor shoulders, which is very common.

Along with this, many times, people may have poor postures in hips, backs, necks. Also, sometimes people may have incorrect postures like forwarding neck or curved back.

But according to Dr Brian Nantais, you can always correct your wrong postures. Nantais Family Chiropractic experts have many years of experience in fixing the wrong postures.

If you need help in fixing the wrong body postures, visit us at Elevation Health.

How it affects your health:

Nantais Family Chiropractic health experts have seen many times that common daily tasks need your attention.

Because while sitting or sleeping with the wrong posture, you can develop pain. Slowly, the poor postures start causing you to have severe pain in your body. Additionally, this pain can spread over your back, neck, joint, and other body portions.

As a result, poor postures give you pain while doing common tasks, even sitting or standing. Therefore, if you can pay attention while living your lifestyle and grow some good habits, it helps. Along with this, you need to do some regular exercise too.

At Elevation Health, posture problems are treated with various chiropractic adjustments. Here the chiropractors can fix your bad postures with the help of chiropractic therapies in Canada. Contact us to know more.

Posture position can be a major factor for having severe back pain. Dr Brian Nantais will share some insights on how sitting posture can be a cause for worse back pain.

According to Dr Brian Nantais, there are many posture positions. However, for the wrong sitting posture or sleeping posture, you can have back pain. Wrong or poor sitting posture can be a major back pain factor.

At Elevation Health, patients get back pain treatment with chiropractic care. With the help of necessary hands-on techniques, chiropractors can offer you effective treatment.

All you need to know:

Body positions contribute to the back pain causes in a great way. Postures play a key role in having back pain for many people. With the right posture, you can get a healthy life.

However, on the other hand, the wrong posture can lead the person to have severe back pain at times. According to Nantais Family Chiropractic health experts, posture can keep you healthy.

Therefore, you need to focus on various posture issues. If you are using prolonged sitting postures, it may harm your back health.

However, sitting habits can cause many other health issues like neck pain etc.

Along with this, using the wrong posture at a sitting time can even make your back health worse.

Therefore, Dr Brian Nantais recommends that patients who visit Elevation Health use the right sitting posture.

Whether be it at your workplace or at home, always use the right sitting posture.

How sitting posture may cause back pain:

While you are sitting for long, this time, your full bodyweight can give force to your back. As a result, while sitting, the full-body weight can be put to your spine.

Therefore, with time, the spine gets hurt as well as there may arise a situation when your back hurts.

As a result, for the more pressure on your back, you start having severe pain in your back.

Nantais Family Chiropractic experts recommend sitting with the right posture always. For this purpose, you can try to sit in such a posture that feels comfortable for you.

Along with this, sit in a relaxed position and release your body pressure on the ground.

However, if you are sitting on a bed or sofa, then release it to the place you are sitting on.

Along with this, keep your shoulder in a straight line with your back. This will help to improve your back health.

How chiropractic care can help:

When you sit with the right posture, you will start feeling more confident. As a result, your mental health will also be better for using the right sitting posture.

However, while using the wrong sitting posture, if you face severe back pain, get a chiropractic session. For the right sitting postures, you can get valuable tips at Nantais Family Chiropractic. While sitting, keep in mind that sit at a certain posture so that your back is straight.

A chiropractor can use the therapies and some hands-on techniques for fixing the wrong posture. As a result, you can have better health with the correct body posture.

At Elevation Health, patients can get back pain therapies from experienced chiropractors in Canada. Here your back pain will get recovered with various hands-on techniques. Contact us to know more.

Posture plays a key role when it comes to maintaining your health. A good posture keeps away from many health complications. Read on to know more.

From our childhood, we are told many times to sit or stand straight. It has a connection with your posture. When you have a good posture, you can reap its benefits on your health. The way you sit, stand, walk, and even lie has included your posture guidelines. Bad or poor posture is very common because we get used to it. If you have a bad posture, you can correct it. A chiropractor can help you improve your posture. Visit Dr Brian Nantais and opt for chiropractic treatment for improving your posture. 

Chiropractors correct your posture with different adjustment techniques. Your doctor finds the underlying causes of poor posture to correct them. Once your musculoskeletal structure is in the right condition, you can learn to sit or stand straight without any force.

Why do you care for good posture?

When you have a good posture, it makes you look more confident, healthier, and taller. 

But, the benefits of posture are many, which you may not think of.

  1. A proper alignment of bones and joints
  2. Reduced stress level on ligaments
  3. Less chance of back injury
  4. More energy
  5. Reduce wear on the muscles and joints
  6. Better mood
  7. Improved digestion

How to know about poor posture:

There are some signs that tell you about poor posture. We have mentioned some of them here for you:

  1. Hunched or ached shoulder
  2. Rounded upper back
  3. Arched lower back
  4. Health complications like back pain

Poor posture causes various health complications, so you must visit a chiropractor for treating your posture. Meet Dr Brian Nantais for correcting your posture. He is an experienced name in the field and has in-depth knowledge about your musculoskeletal structure. 

Poor posture has many reasons to develop. Here are some reasons that lead you to poor posture:

  1. Stress
  2. Weight gain
  3. Pregnancy
  4. Weak postural muscles
  5. Tight muscles
  6. Previous injuries
  7. Low confidence
  8. Wearing high-heeled shoes

How does a chiropractor help you in the treatment?

Good posture helps you in so many ways. It improves your mood and reduces your stress level. If you find that you have developed poor posture, you can visit a chiropractor for treatment. They apply some adjustment techniques which help you align your spine and other bones. The spinal manipulation technique is very popular in chiropractic care. Meet Dr Brian Nantais to treat your health complications. He will give you the right solution to treat your bad posture.

They ask you questions about your health:

Before any chiropractic treatment, a chiropractor will ask you some questions about your health. It will allow chiropractors to learn the causes of your poor posture. You may be asked to provide your day to day lifestyle, your work, and more. 

You can visit Elevation Health for your treatment. It is a well-known chiropractic clinic in Tecumseh, Essex County.

Examine your posture:

Your chiropractor performs hands-on techniques to know about your posture. The examination will help chiropractors pinpoint the affected area.


Adjustments can be of different types. A chiropractor will decide the best treatment after assessing your health. Spinal manipulation remains to be the common adjustment technique.

Meet Nantais Family Chiropractic to know what type of adjustments your health needs. Our doctors are experienced and offer the most effective choice that treats your complication better. Visit Elevation Health if you want to know more about your posture and chiropractic care.