What Are The Most Common Posture Problems?

A well-maintained posture is like a blessing to almost all of us. A proper posture provides overall wellness to our body. It helps to increase blood flow in our bodies. This helps to eliminate a number of issues related to it and makes our body more mobile and flexible. Good posture also builds confidence within us and improves our energy. Different kinds of reasons, such as Obesity, age, work, prolonged sitting, footwear, and stress, may contribute to poor posture. Poor posture can lead to discomfort, pain, and even long-term health problems. There are a number of various posture problems that can hit you. However, you can get out of these issues with the help of any expert Chiro like Dr Brian Nantais.

If you are also suffering from poor posture and want to fix it With Chiropractic Care, then get in touch with Elevation Health. Here you can have the eminent Chiro Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic. He has years of experience in treating such issues with effective Chiropractic Care. Reach out to us to get the best Chiro treatment in Canada.

Now, let’s look at the most common posture problems that may arise:-

  1. Forward head posture
  2. Rounded shoulders
  3. Scoliosis 
  4. Kyphosis
  5. Lordosis
  6. Anterior pelvic tilt
  7. Text neck

Forward head posture:

This is a condition when the head is positioned forward of the shoulders, putting extra strain on the neck and upper back muscles.

Rounded shoulders:

This occurs when the shoulders are hunched forward, often due to prolonged sitting or a lack of upper back strength.


Scoliosis is basically a sideways curvature of the spine, often causing uneven shoulders and hips. This is painful sometimes.

Proper Chiropractic Care can fix this issue. To fix posture issues with chiropractic care, one should come across a renowned Chiro like Dr Brian Nantais. He is a reputed Chiro in Nantais Family Chiropractic. He and his team have been treating issues with fruitful Chiro Care for several years. In order to get his consultation, get in touch with Elevation Health.


Kyphosis is considered a severe posture problem. It’s an excessive curvature of the thoracic spine, often causing a rounded upper back or “hunchback” appearance.


Lordosis is an excessive curvature of the lumbar spine, often causing a swayback appearance.

Anterior pelvic tilt:

This is when the pelvis is tilted forward, causing the lower back to arch excessively and creating strain on the lower back muscles.

Text neck:

Text neck is a relatively new posture problem caused by spending long periods of time looking down at a smartphone or other mobile device, which can strain the neck and upper back muscles.

Closing Words

Maintaining good posture is crucial to prevent or alleviate these issues and to improve overall health and well-being. This can be achieved through exercises, stretches, ergonomic adjustments to your workspace or home, and mindfulness of your posture throughout the day. If you want to get the best Chiropractic Care, then Dr Brian Nantais from Nantais Family Chiropractic can help you in the best possible way. He has profound expertise in treating issues with Chiro care. To consult with him, reach out to Elevation Health.