How Can Poor Postures Affect Your Health?

When your mother asked you to sit or stand up straight, did you ignore her? You should have. If you have a habit of hunching over, you can identify the source of your pain, discomfort and stiffness in your neck and shoulders. All these things happen as a result of having poor posture. Ignoring recommendations on proper posture can impact your general health and put you at risk for joint injury, neck and shoulder pain, and back pain. Dr Brian Nantais from Elevation Health, Canada, advises you to correct your posture as bad postures can cause severe harm to your body.

Suppose you want correct bad postures to improve your health significantly. In that case, you can opt for chiropractic treatment from Nantais Family Chiropractic, where you find a renowned chiropractor with years of experience treating patients seeking chiro care.

Maintaining good posture should be your responsibility if you want to suffer from various health issues which poor posture can cause.

Here look at some of those health issues in detail and learn from them:-

  1. Pain in the body
  2. Poor blood circulation
  3. Improper digestion
  4. Impaired lung function
  5. Misaligned spine

Pain in the body:

Bad posture or slouching leads to muscle tension; eventually, you can experience pain and discomfort in your back, neck, shoulders and other body parts. Try to be careful and don’t do anything to correct postures independently, as it can cause muscle stiffness. Instead, take help from Dr Brian Nantais from Elevation Health.

Poor blood circulation:

Do your works require you to sit in a chair for five or more hours? Then it causes the improper blood circulation in the body. Sitting for hours without movement disturbs your blood circulation, so your organs will suffer. Blood carries nutrients that help to keep your organs healthy, and poor circulation can cause varicose veins.

Improper digestion:

If you have a desk job, you know how easily you can slouch your shoulders and neck over your chest and abdomen. Scloching can harm your abdominal organs, including your digestive tract. Doing this for a longer time will negatively impact your metabolism and interrupt your ability to process food. All these can result in nutritional deficiency.

Impaired lung function:

Poor posture can affect the volume of air you breathe in and out of your lungs. Your lung capacity and function may be significantly impacted by constantly hunching or leaning forward. Your brain, heart, and other essential organs won’t get the oxygen they need if your lungs aren’t working correctly. Breathing difficulties, poor cognitive function, and even heart and vascular disease could result.

Misaligned spine:

Poor posture can cause significant harm to your spine. Your entire musculoskeletal system will immediately know your posture when you align perfectly. But, if you use poor body mechanics for most of your daily tasks or are stressed out or hurt in any manner, you could develop spinal misalignment and muscular spasms.

Closing lines

You can see how poor postures can harm your health and why you must correct it now—thinking where to get help? Contact Dr Brian Nantais from Elevation Health for the best chiro treatment to reduce pain.